21 August, 2011

Nesting (36 weeks)

Sort of.  Not the sort of nesting that everyone expects of me just yet.  So far, I've had no intense desire to clean everything around me - well, not any more than normal anyway.  I DO like things to be organised and tidy and it is driving me absolutely insane that we have baby stuff without a place if you know what I mean.  I'm fine with a bit of clutter, I'm fine with a bit of mess - but I am NOT fine with things that don't have a place.  We've got our nappies and wipes and stuff for when he first gets here in a grocery bag on the top of the bookcase because we haven't decided yet where they are going to go.  And it bothers me.  It doesn't have to be much - a box, a shelf, whatever - things just need to have their assigned place... but I'm always like that so I don't think that really counts as nesting.

No, the nesting I wish to tell you about is an entirely different one.  I do not sleep well these days, though it is getting a bit better.  I really despise sleeping on my side (as I've mentioned many times before).  For a while I could sort of get half way on my side, half way on my front by keeping my shoulders face down and my belly 3/4 out.  But that's no longer possible.  I'm full on sore shoulder, sore hip, sore back on my side.  Yesterday it was really getting to me and come mid afternoon I was so tired I needed a nap.  But as I settled down I just got more and more frustrated at how tired I was but so intensely uncomfortable.  So I built a NEST!  I don't know why I haven't done it before, but I managed a magnificent nest that allowed me to sleep on my stomach.  It was the best nap of my life.  I reconstructed it last night and it worked a treat.  It didn't last all night long, but I was comfortable enough to fall asleep (the hardest part for me) and then when I woke up for pee #1 (of many) I was drowsy enough that I could kick the nest out of the bed and fall back asleep ok on my side.  I know it's a small thing, but hey - those are the things that count, right?  Anyway, have a look at it - it's a thing of beauty:

Some of the astute among you might note that this nest seems to leave very little space for James... but he hasn't complained.  Whether he hasn't complained because it doesn't bother him, or because he is very aware of the fact that complaining about me finding a way to actually sleep is probably not in his best interest, I don't know.  But he hasn't complained, and the picture doesn't quite do it justice anyway - he's got more than enough space!  Besides, he has a tendency to take up more than his fair share of the bed anyway, so I'm only claiming what is rightfully mine :o)

Anyway, I'm loving my nest and hope it continues to work as well as it has.  On an additional plus, the wee one is sleeping through most of the night these days!  He's still really (uncomfortably) active during the day - as much as he can for as tight a squeeze as he's got - but come the night he only shifts about when I change position or get up to pee... at which point I'm already awake anyway so it's ok.  We've got a regular little pattern... I'm desperately clinging to the hope that it will carry on after he's born... but I doubt it :o)  In the meantime though, it's pretty nice!

Two additional notes of interest for you (maybe?  the actual interestingness of them is debatable...).  I'm now 36 weeks which means it's (already!) time for another monthly photoshoot... but seeing as I only just managed to get the last ones up last week and seeing as I really don't seem to have changed shape at all since then... it might not happen.  But instead here is my progression that I haven't posted in a while.  They are every 4 weeks = 1 month so I've hit 9 now... how weird to think that the next time I add to it will be on my due date!  Yikes!!  Anyway, here it is:

Lastly, my Mom pointed out that Jaimie posted a picture of herself at 36 weeks and she was nearly the same size as I am.  So I've updated and recreated the image - only this time, she came to MY house instead of me going to hers :o)
It's a bit of an edit of an edit of an edit, so not the best quality - but interesting nonetheless!

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