26 April, 2011

I like to move it, move it: Part two (19 weeks)

It's quite late so this is going to be a short one - but I already missed Sunday, so I figured I would catch up as soon as I could (even if it's only a little bit).

One of the reasons I missed Sunday was because I had to work.  I know - working on Easter Sunday?!  Blasphemous!  But, I did.  I worked Saturday as well.  When we work the weekend, we get Thursday, Friday, and Monday off.  I really like these special days off because they are a bit like a treat.  They only happen once every five weeks, but it is nice to every now and then have a day off without James around.  This is all to explain why I had a super decedent spend-all-day-on-the-couch-watching-TV day on Thursday.

So - back to the story at hand.  On Thursday I did very very little.  I stayed in my pajamas, I treated myself to some favorite foods, and I watched iPlayer for hours.  (iPlayer is where you can watch the BBC online - because we don't have a TV, I get all my pop culture fixes from iPlayer).

I'm just setting the scene here...

So, there I am, in my PJs, laying on the couch, with my laptop on my thighs, relaxin'.  And I feel something weird.  Enough to make me pause the iPlayer and take pay attention because it was not a normal feeling.  So I'm laying there with a baffled expression on my face, staring at my belly.  And it happens again, only this time I SAW it.

My shirt jumped.

I didn't quite believe it, so I pulled my shirt up so I could see my belly and I watched.  And it happened again.  The baby was not just moving, it was kicking.  And it was kicking so hard that I could see it from the outside.  Of course, that also means I could FEEL it from the inside and boy do I now know the difference between a flutter and a kick.  It was so WEIRD though!  I just kept laughing.  It is such a strange feeling for one, and secondly it is truly bizarre to actually see it.

Unfortunately, James was not home and it didn't do it again that day.  And that night the baby shifted position.  So it is still kicking, but not out into my stomach.  Instead it is now kicking straight down (every so often landing a good one on my bladder).  Which means that James has still not felt it.  It will come, we're both patient, it's fine.  But I'm really looking forward to being able to share this truly incredible part of the process with him.  As Jaimie said last week, it's like the baby just saying hi and letting you know that it's hanging out, and all is fine.  And then you give your belly a rub to say a bit of a "hi" back and let it know you're paying attention, and all is fine.  I love it.  But it seems unfair that I get to have this connection multiple times a day and James doesn't.

Perhaps it's just to balance the scale a bit for all the "other" stuff that I "get to do" that James doesn't... :o)

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