22 May, 2011

Scan update! (23 weeks)

I thought it might be fun this week to have a video update instead of a written one!  So here they are for you to enjoy.  (Note: please ignore the extremely frizzy hair... we walked to the hospital in the rain):

Before the scan:

And AFTER the scan:

So there you have it :o)
We're both super happy and excited!
Now if we could just find a name...

Here are some better versions of the two best scan photos as well.  They aren't very good this time around, partly due to the fact that the baby was quite the squirmer!  The scan lady mentioned at least three times "wow, you have a really active baby!"  Don't I know it.


  1. I am SOOOOOO happy for you two! Cannot wait to see you! Big hug from over yonder :)

  2. He has a sweet profile - it is nice to know it is a wee bairn so we can stop calling him "it" or "the baby" - Love to all 3 of you! :o)
