06 June, 2011

Wallowing in self-pity. Read at your own risk. (25 weeks)

The last time I didn't post a weekly blog as normal, my Mom said that she got worried that something was wrong.  That she can't help feeling like something upsetting has happened that has stopped me from updating as normal.  So, I was told I have to always at least post a "nothing is wrong" entry if it ever happened again.

Nothing is wrong.

I'm just tired and grumpy.  I will snap out of it soon enough but for this week, at least, I'm a grumpy bitter-ball and can't manage a thoughtful blog.  I think I'm having a mid-pregnancy crisis.

I am grumpy because I have the following new symptoms:
  • Severe insomnia which leaves me with approximately 4 hours of sleep a night
  • ligament-loosening hormones that have strangely resulted in an onslaught of reoccurring lock-jaw (I yawned on the bus yesterday and couldn't close my mouth again for 3 minutes)
  • I drop everything.  I didn't believe in this pregnancy symptom but it's happening
  • My belly is at the size where bending over to pick things up is a problem
  • I get so frustrated at dropping everything that I cry (see point one above for elaboration)
  • My ribs hurt
  • My bump is too heavy to lie on my side without support, and even then the muscles along the top ache
  • The same happens if I sit down in certain positions.  It only doesn't hurt when I'm standing up.
  • When I'm standing up or walking, I get contractions that tighten up the top muscles that are already sore
  • Standing up for too long makes my back hurt and I have to sit down (see two points above)
  • Everything gives me heartburn.  Everything.  Every single time I eat.
  • My belly itches
  • The baby's head is so low that he head-butts my cervix at random intervals all day long.  This is as uncomfortable as it sounds.
  • On Wednesday I fell down and really hurt my knee (and elbows and shoulder).  The baby was fine (of course) but instead of sympathy for hurting myself I was lectured (by a stranger) about being irresponsible and dangerous (I was running and tripped)

I know it will all pass, but it's getting me down.  I feel better for that bit of a rant though.  Hopefully next week I will be back to my positive happy self.

In the meantime I will remind myself and all who have made it through my self-pitying tirade why it's worth these moments of misery by posting pictures of my brand-new niece Caitlin who is now a whopping six days old:


  1. Thank you for the "nothing is wrong" post - although it sounds like plenty is uncomfortable, if not exactly "wrong". You should be proud of yourself for falling in a protective manner that hurt you and not the little guy - funny how strangers (especially older strangers) feel like it is their place to lecture other people. (Although, maybe it is - if they are truly wise and caring.) It will be worth it in the end .... and then you'll most likely be willing to go through it all again ... only to find out that each pregnancy is different enough to give you another week like this .... with brand new aches...

    Love and hugs,
    Mom Philips

  2. Been there, done that, sista! Quite honestly, you are a step ahead of most in just being able to identify and put into words what you are feeling. Hang in there is all I can say. The insomnia is aweful, and it makes everything else more aweful. Tylenol PM (acetamenophin with Benadryl) was my only saving grace. Soaking in a warm tub, eating something right before bed, taking Zantac (for the heartburn) with every meal, and living as much of my life as possible with an icepack or heating pad (some they have stick on the inside of your clothes)on my ribs. The dropping things, feeling clumsy, feeling like you can't concentrate or remember anything....just plain frustrating!! After a while you get to this guilt-ridden stage of "I just want this to be done." It's not that you want the baby to be early or in jeopardy, or even that you are physically or emotionally ready for the baby...but I was so DONE with being pregnant. I wish I could sit down with you over a huge chocolate cake, pickles, icecream, and whatever else you are currently craving and wallow in misery with you! Since I can't, know that my thoughts are with you. Love ya, sis!
    - Jaimie

  3. I haven't been there Cori but you were so discriptive I can now empathize. I am now internationally angry at the guy who gave you a lecture.

    Just focus on cycling naked I reckon.

    Love you lots and lots xxx
