So? Did you think you would get to read another exciting installment of Cori's pregnancy adventure? No?
Me either.
Were you assuming this week would be the first of the oh-so-cute brand new baby posts? Yes?
Me too.
But no such luck. I'm still here and still very much pregnant. It's driving me a little bit crazy. I keep wishing there was something I could DO. Simply waiting seems too passive. But what can I do? There's nothing. There are all sorts of "eat a curry" "take a walk" suggestions, but I figure these are all pretty much pretend so that you can pass the time tricking yourself into thinking you are at least doing something to get things going. Which is not to say that I haven't tried ALL of them. But they haven't made the slightest difference and, besides, how much fresh pineapple can one really eat?
The only one that makes the slightest bit of sense to me is the walking one. I get that - gravity, pressure, moving the pelvis - that all sounds very positive. There's one HUGE problem with that though. Walking. Hurts. This baby is not just tauntingly un-born, he is also tantalizingly ready to be born (and has been for days). Which is to say that he is VERY low. "Engaged" as those in the know say. A pain in the pelvis, I say.
(Warning: avoid the next bit if you don't want personal information)
His head is resting against my cervix. Every few steps sends a shooting stabbing pain through it like someone is repeatedly kicking me in the crotch. I have to stop and catch my breath. It HURTS! And it's not just when I'm walking - even if I'm sitting still and he starts moving about (which is all the time) each movement in any direction is also a downward pressure one. (I probably don't need to mention the impact this has also had on my bladder control....)
But walking is the worst. So the idea of "taking a long walk" as lovely as it sounds, and as much as I am still attempting to do it - is actually bracing myself for severe uncomfortableness and the slowest pace EVER. Not to mention the strange looks from the people around you when you stop dead in your tracks with a gasp, take a few deep breaths and move on. Though that's kind of funny, really. Also the looks of horror when they ask you when you're due and you reply with a "six days ago" etc. hehehe.
In all honesty, though, I think I have been more intensely non-stop uncomfortable in the past week than I have for the entire other 40. But regardless of all that is the over-riding other issue that is the main frustration. We have a baby to meet. It's time to see him and cuddle him and get to know him and see what he looks like. It's TIME. We've waited so long and we are so ready, and so excited. And it's not happening. It's like waiting at the arrivals gate of the airport for a loved one you haven't seen in ages. And the flight keeps getting more and more delayed. It's hard not to let frustration overpower the anticipation. And there's nothing you can do. You can't speed up the airplane, put them on an earlier flight, change the destination. You just wait. And that's what we're doing. Waiting.
And speaking of airports... there is a little side note I should mention. I really hate to say it, but it's better to get it out there and mention it as a possibility so it doesn't come as a huge shock in case it happens. Here are the facts:
We are supposed to come to the USA on the 20th of October (tickets booked)
The baby can not travel without a US passport
Getting a passport takes 3 weeks (appointment required and booked)
To get it you need to have registered the birth and gotten a "long-form" birth certificate from the registry office (appointment required, but can't be booked without a birthdate)
Fine. Assuming he is born today.
That gives me tomorrow to rest, Tuesday (assuming they let us out straight away of course) to go to the registry office and the photo studio to get his picture taken and we've got an appointment at the US embassy at 8:30 Wednesday morning. Fine.
Maybe even if he's born tomorrow. That means straight after to the registry office (if they can fit us in) etc, and still make Wednesday's appointment.
If not, however, the next available appointment at the embassy is Tuesday the 4th. And, what with Columbus Day thrown in there - that gives the passport 10 days to arrive.
I'm not saying it's impossible. I will continue to hope and believe that all will be fine up until I watch the plane take off without me. I'm just giving everyone the facts ahead of time to do with what they will...
But of course it's no big deal! He's bound to be born today, right? Right?! I mean, a week late, that's within reason... but more than that? Really? Nah - not gonna happen :o)
I'm off to take a lovely long walk.
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