So today is my due date. Kind of. Before moving on, let me clarify something I've never fully explained. Officially on all my records my due date is the 19th of September.
(WARNING: skip the next bits if you are at all uncomfortable with personal information)
This was calculated based on the first day of my last menstrual period assuming a 28 day cycle with ovulation on the 14th day. However, I was keeping careful track of things and know the day I ovulated and my cycles are regularly 26 days anyway. SO, based on my (more accurate) information my due date should be today. I've never changed it on anything because it's only the difference of a day and it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things - but that's why I always update on the Sunday and I've always mentally counted my weeks from this day instead of the Monday.
All of which adds up to me being due. Today.
Which, like many things to do with pregnancy is all LIES!
The idea of a due date is completely arbitrary. I suppose it's actually just the midpoint between the four weeks of potential birthdays, but still. I would rather be thinking forward to a range than to a day. Because when you are given a day, you spend 40 weeks just focusing on that day. It is burned into your mind as the happy day when it's all worth it - the beautiful light at the end of the tunnel. And then it comes. And nothing happens. It drifts by as just one potential day of many. And not only are you impatient, but it's also the day that others remember as well. They might not know how far along you are at any given point but they know when you're "due." So everyone knows that I'm due now (well, tomorrow) and are all very anxious to hear the news. I don't think I've ever said "No. Not yet." more times in my entire life!!!
It will happen. I'm being patient. It's all ok. I just think that due dates are nonsense. And not only that, but it's not even really trying to be at all accurate. For one it's based on an average of cycle lengths and very few women are exactly the average. But also, one of my books said that a first baby arrives on average 8 days after their due dates. And that second babies average 3 days after... I don't know what those numbers say to you, but to me they say the calculation of a due date is just plain wrong.
AND, on top of it all, it can be somewhat hereditary as well. My side doesn't seem too bad - I think we averaged around three days after? But James' siblings average ten. TEN days "late." Siiigh.
I'm ranting now. Sorry. I'm just so ready. I'm at the starting gate of eager anticipation. And nothing is happening.
But there's always tomorrow right? Tomorrow's got to be the day. Maybe the baby's just confused because I've said the 19th so many times. And it is the "real" due date on all my records...
Yeah! That's it! Tomorrow!
On a happier note, it has been 4 weeks since our last photoshoot and so James and I went out today to do the pictures (hopefully for the last time!). In an exciting change we took them while we were out and about doing other stuff in the city, so they are nice London shots (as opposed to our usual just-down-our-street shots). So I will leave you with those, as well as the official (4-week) monthly progression...
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