19 June, 2011

I like to move it, move it: Part three (27 weeks)

Check it out!  Double Post!  See, just because I skipped a week doesn't mean you don't get your same allotment of Cori-Musing.  Aren't you lucky :)

Just realised that the way the blog works will mean that this will come up as the first post, and the one I just put up there will appear as the second one... hmm... I could maybe do something to fix that but I really can't be bothered.  So just trust me - I already posted a blog!  And now I'm posting another one!  Check it out!  Double Post!


ANYWAY.  You remember a few weeks back (17th April to be precise) when I talked about feeling the baby move for the first time?  And how I knew that it was probably temporary that I would love it so much and, like cake, I might get too much and get a bit sick of it but in the meantime I loved every single twitch and kick?

Well, I can't say I'm definitely sick of it, per se - but it's getting a bit much!  I do still like knowing that all is well and he's ok and active etc.  The knowing is good.  It's the feeling that is starting to take it out of me.  I had never felt an unborn baby kick before... I think I thought that it was a special thing that happened from time to time and the mother has a bit of a special moment and shares it with other special people nearby... including the bunnies in the forest while the bluebirds sing a little song.

I had NO idea that it was possible that they might be moving around All. Day. Long.  (Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration - he does sleep from time to time, but never for very long).  Also, I had NO idea that they could be so strong!  True, I've never done this before and have nothing to compare it to - so maybe it's not always like this.  But all I know is that this little baby is extremely limber, extremely active, and extremely strong.  So strong that it's starting to hurt.  I never in a million years imagined that a baby could hurt anything, particularly when it is still unborn.  But I would now not at all be surprised to hear that I've a massive internal bruise because that is what it feels like.  This could be due to further extenuating circumstances...

I will elaborate.  You might notice from my pics that my bump doesn't really seem to be getting much bigger.  In fact, in the latest pic, it looks like it has gone down a bit... that is because I don't seem to be carrying high or carrying low - I'm carrying sideways.  And it's the side farthest from the camera.  For no reason that I can understand, his favourite place to be is waaaaay off to my right.  He's big enough now that it's possible to feel his back and bum (and, every now and then, his head - once I had his head under one hand and his bum under another - so strange to know exACTly how big he is!).  So I'm very aware of his favorite position.  When I'm walking around he nestles into my side.  Imagine standing with your hands on your hips.  Slide your thumb to the back until you can feel your spine - the spot just near where your fingertips can reach is where he jams his bum.  He then pushes his back out along the line of my hip.  I didn't even know that my womb was over that far, much less that it would be a comfortable place to hang out!  But that is where he likes to be.  Weirdo.  Now, it is a bit uncomfortable with his back pushing out that much.  Walking can be a bit funny and if I cycle, my right thigh actual bumps into him repeatedly.  But it's not too bad, just uncomfortable.  The trouble is that when I sit down he rolls over.  So his back is to the inside - which puts his feet to the outside.  And he kicks.  And kicks and kicks and pushes and kicks.  It is ALWAYS in the same spot.  And that spot HURTS.  I find myself constantly holding a hand over it to try and deflect the pressure.  When it gets too bad, I can push him away or walk around to make him roll over again - but he will always find his way back.  It really truly feels bruised.

The only way I can get him to shift about is to lay flat on my back.  He still likes to kick and push but he twists and turns all over the place which gives my side a bit of relief.  It's a shame I don't find many options to lay flat on my back during the working day... but during these moments in bed, on the couch, or whatever, I feel like I can enjoy his movements without the same level of discomfort.  And James can join in.  And the baby joins in!  I'll never get over how weird it is to know that he can react... but anyway, on weekend mornings, we drink coffee in bed.  And if you rest the mug on my bump he will find it and kick it.  I don't know if it's the pressure or the warmth but you can move it all over and he will find it.  Strangely entertaining.  And then there is the ever popular "poke and he pokes back" game.  So, today I got the camera out and filmed a bit.  It's only a 20 second clip out of a 24 hour day, but it's understandably difficult to film your own belly.  Maybe I'll get James to do it at some point and share some more classics (such as the "drag a foot from one end to the other").  But for now, here is "poke and he pokes back."  Enjoy!!

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